Saturday 14 July 2012

Quick berry cobbler

Ok folks, this one was from last night too, and I'd give it a 3 on a scale of 1-10 for taste (1-I wouldn't feed it to the dog, 10- I'd feed it to the queen if she came to visit. What? It could happen!). If you are a REALLY bad baker, this is a good solution. If you are a really LAZY baker, this might be good for you too, but I wasn't that impressed. I'd rather make a real crumble with oats, and sugar and stuff. Its like the boyfriend or husband who has the right idea to buy you a blender for Christmas because you need a blender and like to make margaritas (lots and lots of margaritas...),  but gives you the cheapo one that doesn't blend the ice to that nice slushy consistency you really want. Yes it will do, but you won't love it like the perfect Cuisinart one with all the chrome and buttons and... oops, let me wipe the drool and get on with it.
On the hardness scale with 1 being easiest and 5 being hardest, I'd definitely give this guy a big fat -1.
SUPER EASY, so lets get started.

Here is the original recipe:

I pretty much so followed it exactly except I used lemon cake mix instead of Vanilla. I think lemon and berries are a great combo so I went with it. Maybe that's where I went wrong, but I don't think so... You'll see later.

24-oz of frozen mixed berries
1 box Lemon cake mix
12 oz (or one can) of diet sprite, sierra mist whatever you drink that is is clear (NO, you cannot use vodka, clear SODA!)

So I've already put the berries in the pan (11X9) but you can see the other ingredients and Marble the hound executing a perfect photo bomb. The wine and port are not part of this recipe but are there to show you what kind of classy dame I am
Preheat oven to 350F

 Place frozen fruit in a 9x11 foil pan. You can use a regular pan, but that means you 'd have to do dishes, meh!

 Add dry cake mix over the top.

It should look like this when you're done
 Pour soda slowly over cake mix.

Do you know how hard it is to slowly pour AND take a photo? What I do for you people <3
DO NOT stir the cake mix and the pop - this will give you a 'crust' (kind of... if you like a crunchy and powdery crust). If you stir the two, you will have a cake like topping (maybe I should have stirred the two...)
Maybe it will look more appetizing after its been baked...

Bake 350 for 45-50 min.
Ok, looks a bit better...
So sorry folks, try it for yourselves if you'd like, stir the sprite into the cake mix, use vanilla, or just make a normal cobbler crumble top which I find to be just as easy. But I know I won't be serving this to company again. Sorry Kelsey!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry this didn't go well, but I totally LOL'd at the last picture.
